Thursday, 4 June 2015

Natural Flea Repellent for Pets

Fleas are wingless, agile, external parasites, 1/16 to 1/8-inch long, and usually dark in color. Similar to the tick, fleas have mouthparts adapted for piercing skin and sucking blood from mammals and birds.

Fleas have long hind legs well adapted for jumping. A flea can jump vertically up to 7 in and horizontally up to 13 in, making the flea one of the best jumpers of any known species, relative to body size. In comparison, if humans had the jumping power of a flea, a 6 foot person could make a jump 295' long and 160' high.

The flea body is laterally compressed, hard, and covered with many hairs and short spines, allowing them ease of movement through the hairs or feathers on the host's body. The tough body is able to withstand great pressure. Even hard squeezing between the fingers is normally insufficient to kill a flea. However, rolling them back and forth a dozen times disables their legs, resulting in death.

Fleas lay tiny, white, oval eggs better viewed through a magnifying glass. The larva is small and pale with bristles covering its worm-like body, lacks eyes, and mouth parts adapted for chewing. The larvae feed on various organic matter, especially the feces of mature fleas, while the adult flea's diet consists solely of fresh blood.

Fleas are a nuisance, causing an itching sensation which in turn may result in the host attempting to remove the pest by biting, pecking, scratching, etc. in the vicinity of the parasite, leading to hair loss as a result of frequent scratching and biting by the animal, and can cause anemia in extreme cases. Flea bites generally cause the formation of a slightly raised, swollen itching spot with a single puncture point at the center (similar to a mosquito bite), often appearing in clusters or lines of two bites, and can remain itchy and inflamed for up to several weeks afterwards.

Flea adults, larvae, or eggs can be controlled with insecticides. Lufenuron is a veterinary preparation (known as Program) that attacks the larval flea's, but does not kill fleas. Flea medicines need to be used with care because many of them also affect mammals. Flea treatments meant for dogs can be hazardous to cats.

Flea and tick ointment is also hazardous to humans. The label of a commercial preparation warns: “First aid: If on skin or clothing, take off contaminated clothing, rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15 – 20 minutes; call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice. . . Although (the product is) applied only between the shoulder blades and at the base of the tail, the dog’s skin and hair oils carry the product over the entire body . . . Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling . . .”

Natural Repellent for Pets

Vinegar - In a spray bottle, mix 1 cup of water with 2 cups of white vinegar, and add 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil or almond oil, which contains sulfur.

Lemon Juice, Citrus, or Peppermint - To make a repellent that will deter fleas, mix in a few teaspoons of lemon juice, citrus oil, or peppermint oil, any of which will repel ticks and fleas while also creating a pleasant smelling repellent. Spray onto the pet’s dry coat, staying away from sensitive areas such as eyes, nose, mouth, and genitals. When outdoors for an extended period of time, spray this solution on two to three times per day.

Cedar - Cedar essential oil is a (nontoxic natural substance) which has proven effective in the eradication of infestations in pets. Use of some essential oils containing phenols, such as basil, clove, oregano and thyme, can be hazardous to cats.

Bathing - Can dramatically reduce the flea population on a badly infested animal, especially when in combination with a mild detergent or shampoo, and brushing or combing.

Repellent for You and Your Family

In a spray bottle, mix 2 cups of distilled white vinegar and 1 cup of water. To make a scented solution, add 20 drops of your favorite essential oil. Eucalyptus oil is a calm, soothing scent, while peppermint and citrus oils give off a strong crisp scent that will also repel ticks.

Shake well to mix, spray onto clothing, skin, and hair before going outdoors. Reapply every four hours. Examine your skin and hair when back inside.

For the home

Vacuuming - Combatting a flea infestation in the home takes patience because for every flea found on an animal, many more could be developing in the home. A combination of controlled humidity, temperature, and vacuuming should eliminate fleas from an environment. The vacuum must be used around everything your pet frequents, to pick up all the larvae and eggs. Disposing of the bag after each vacuum is recommended.

Baking Soda - Safe for family and pets when used inside the home on carpets and floors. A layer can be sprinkled on carpets and worked into the fibers down to where the larvae and eggs are—dehydrating and killing them. The baking soda can be easily vacuumed up afterwards and safely disposed of. Treatments of 2-3 times per week will be required to remove an infestation completely.

Diatomaceous Earth - A food-grade diatomaceous earth (DE) can also be used as a home flea treatment. Application is effective on both the interior and exterior of one's property. The effectiveness of diatomaceous earth is diminished when it gets wet. It is also effective to simply leave it exposed in areas typically vulnerable to fleas and other insects. DE dust can be harmful when inhaled, so use of a dust mask is recommended when applying it.


Natural Tick Repellent for Pets

Ticks are small arachnids, closely related to the family of mites. They are external parasites which satisfy their nutritional requirements by living on the blood of mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles and amphibians. Ticks are carriers of a number of diseases, such as Lyme disease, that affect both humans and animals.

For an ecosystem to support ticks, the population density of host species in the area must be high enough, and humidity must be high enough for ticks to remain hydrated.

There are 'soft ticks' (over 200 species) and 'hard ticks' (over 700 species). The hard ticks have a hard shield, which generally can resist the force of soft-soled footwear, especially on soft ground. It requires a hard sole on a hard surface to crush the tick. However, stepping on an engorged tick, filled with blood, kills it easily, though messily.

Hard ticks will attach to a host and will bite painlessly and generally unnoticed, remaining in place until they engorge and are ready to change their skin; this process may take days or weeks. Some species drop off the host to moult in a safe place, whereas others remain on the same host and only drop off once they are ready to lay their eggs.

Ticks find their hosts by detecting breath and body odors, or by sensing body heat, moisture and vibrations. As they are incapable of flying or jumping, many tick species will wait in a position known as "questing"—holding on to leaves and grass by their third and fourth pair of legs while holding the first pair of legs outstretched, waiting to climb on to the host. When a host brushes the spot where a tick is waiting, it quickly climbs on. Some ticks will attach quickly while others will wander around looking for thinner skin like the ear. Depending on the species and the life stage, feeding preparation can take from ten minutes to two hours. On locating a suitable feeding spot, the tick grasps the skin and cuts into the surface.

Harpoon-like structure

With a prominent head that projects forward from the body, ticks extract the blood by piercing a hole in the host's skin, into which they insert a harpoon-like structure near the mouth area, allowing them to anchor themselves firmly in place on a host while sucking blood. This mechanism is normally so strong that removal of a lodged tick requires two actions: One to remove the tick, and one to remove the remaining head section of the tick.

Topical Treatments

Topical flea and tick medicines may be toxic to animals and humans. Phenothrin and methoprene were popular topical flea and tick therapies for cats. Phenothrin kills adult fleas and ticks, while methoprene is an insect growth regulator that interrupts the insect's lifecycle by killing the eggs. However, the EPA required at least one manufacturer of these products to withdraw some products and include strong cautionary statements on others, warning of adverse reactions.

Engorged tick attached to child's head.

In general, the best way to remove an adult tick is to do it manually. First, take a lint roller (not too sticky) and roll it over your dog or cat's fur. You can also use this on your clothing. This should get rid of any small number of tiny 'seed ticks' and fleas. Secondly, to facilitate prompt removal, use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and detach it by applying a steady upward force without crushing, jerking, or twisting in such a way as to avoid leaving behind mouthparts or provoking release of infective fluids into the wound. It is important to disinfect the bite area thoroughly with rubbing alcohol after removal of the tick. The tick can be stored, in case of signs or symptoms of a subsequent infection, for identification purposes together with details of where and when the bite occurred. If the tick's head and mouthparts are no longer attached to its body after removal, a biopsy may be necessary to remove any parts that have been left behind.

See Also: Natural Flea Repellent for Pets and Natural Insect Repellents

Natural Repellent for Pets

Vinegar - Ticks hate the smell and taste of vinegar, and are easily repelled by it.

In a spray bottle, mix 1 cup of water with 2 cups of white vinegar, and add 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil or almond oil, which contains sulfur (also good for repelling ticks).

Lemon Juice, Citrus, or Peppermint - To make a repellent that will also deter ticks, mix in a few teaspoons of lemon juice, citrus oil, or peppermint oil, any of which will repel ticks and fleas while also creating a pleasant smelling repellent. Spray onto the pet’s dry coat, staying away from sensitive areas such as eyes, nose, mouth, and genitals. When outdoors for an extended period of time, spray this solution on two to three times per day.

Cedar - Cedar oil is a (nontoxic natural substance) which has proven effective in the eradication of infestations in pets. Use of some essential oils containing phenols, such as basil, clove, oregano and thyme, can be hazardous to cats.

Repellent for You and Your Family

In a spray bottle, mix 2 cups of distilled white vinegar and 1 cup of water. To make a scented solution, add 20 drops of your favorite essential oil. Eucalyptus oil is a calm, soothing scent, while peppermint and citrus oils give off a strong crisp scent that also repels fleas.

Shake well to mix, spray onto clothing, skin, and hair before going outdoors. Reapply every four hours. Examine your skin and hair when back inside.


Monday, 1 June 2015

The Trouble Tree

"Nothing is permanent in this wicked world -
not even our troubles." ~Charlie Chaplin

The Trouble Tree
by Author Unknown

The carpenter I hired to help me restore an old farmhouse had just finished a rough first day on the job. A flat tire made him lose an hour of work, his electric saw quit, and now his ancient pickup truck refused to start. While I drove him home, he sat in stoney silence.

On arriving, he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands. When opening the door he underwent an amazing transformation. His tanned face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss.
Afterward he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier.

"Oh, that's my trouble tree," he replied." I know I can't help having troubles on the job, but one thing's for sure, troubles don't belong in the house with my wife and the children. So I just hang them on the tree every night when I come home. Then in the morning I pick them up again."

He paused. "Funny thing is," he smiled, "when I come out in the morning to pick 'em up, there ain't nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before."

Feed Shark

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Argan Oil Uses ❧

Sold as a luxury item, argan oil was once difficult to purchase outside of Morocco. In some parts of Morocco, argan takes the place of the olive as a source of animal feed, timber and fuel. Due to the increasing interest to cosmetic companies, it has also become a fashionable product in Europe and North America over the past decade and is now widely available in specialty shops and supermarkets.

The argan tree, which is unique to Morocco, can grow up to 10 meters high and live up to 200 years. The trees are thorny, with gnarled trunks and small oval leaves up to 4 cm long. The trees blossom in April, with small flowers of five pale yellow-green petals . The fruit, containing one to three oil-rich seeds, is broad with a thick, bitter peel surrounding a sweet-smelling (but unpleasantly flavored) layer of pulp surrounding the very hard nut. The fruit takes over a year to mature, ripening in June to July of the following year. The trees are frequently climbed by goats, so until harvesting of the fruit, goats are kept out of the argan woodlands by wardens.

Forests of argan trees have decreased by about half during the last 100 years, owing to charcoal-making, grazing, and increasingly intensive cultivation, now covering some 8,280 km² and designated as a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Biosphere reserve. A thriving export market for argan oil as a high-value product may be the best hope for conservation.

production of argan oil
Extraction of argan oil is produced by several women's co-operatives in a labour-intensive process by which the soft pulp is removed then used as feed for the animals. The seeds are then removed and cracked by hand between two stones with a little water and gently roasted (accounting for part of the oil's distinctive, nutty flavor) to make a paste. The paste is then squeezed by hand to extract the oil. Oil can be stored and used for up to 6 months, and produced as needed, from a store of seeds which will keep for 20 years.

Production of argan oil is beginning to have noticeable environmental and social impacts. Argan oil production means that argan trees are now seen as a valuable resource, leading to their preservation with an impact on the environment. Argan oil production has provided a steady income for many women and their families and improved the social status of some women. The gaining popularity has prompted the Moroccan government to plan for increased production, from approximately 2,500 to 4,000 tonnes by 2020.

Argan oil is rich with beneficial nutrients such as vitamin E and fatty acids (80% unsaturated fatty acids).

Traditionally argan oil is used to treat skin diseases, and as a natural cosmetic oil for skin and hair. It is advocated as moisturizing oil against wrinkled or scaly dry skin, and acne, as well as fortifying the hair. This oil also has medicinal uses against rheumatism and the healing of burns. It is sometimes mixed with pomegranate seed oil due to its anti-oxidizing benefits.

Hair Conditioner - Argan oil contains high quantities of vitamin E and antioxidants and is non-irritating, making it extremely beneficial for hair and scalp, reversing much of the damage done by artificial chemicals and treatments and giving your hair a healthy shine. Unlike many styling agents, which can cause long term damage to hair due to the chemical ingredients, argan oil enriches hair and repairs damage.

Argan oil absorbs easily without leaving any greasy residue, making it a great leave-in conditioner or treatment and can also be used before straightening, protecting hair against heat damage. Rub a few drops of argan oil over your palms and then comb your fingers through damp or towel-dried hair, massaging into the scalp, as a treatment to combat frizzy hair, dandruff and dry scalp. Blow-dry and style.

Argan oil can also be used as on overnight treatment (to absorb as many nutrients as possible), adding volume and shine. Using a liberal amount, massage into your scalp and hair (especially the ends) and wrap your hair in a towel to prevent staining your pillow. Wash hair the next morning or after a few hours and style.

Use argan oil as a styling agent on dry hair as well. Apply a few drops and comb through your hair with your fingers, ensuring even distribution.

Vitamin E enriched argon oil also helps boost cells promoting growth of healthy, strong hair as opposed to thin, brittle hair.

Skin Moisturizer - Due to its absorption rate without leaving any greasy residue, argon oil is great for skin. Use as an overall body moisturizer and cuticle softener, or add a few drops into your bath. The vitamin E will help minimize stretch marks.

Massage a few drops on your face and neck at night, or in the morning after cleansing. Can also add a drop or two of argan oil to your foundation or tinted moisturizer for a dewy glow.

Argan oil will not irritate eyes and therefore, can also be used as a safe and effective makeup remover.

To treat cracked heels, massage a good amount onto the feet and cover with socks.

Acne, Fine Lines and Wrinkles - Argan oil is an alternative solution to chemical based products, for skin problems such as acne and aging skin. When used on a regular basis, your skin is healthier and mild acne will fade away. Argan oil is rich in natural healing properties such as antioxidants, linoleic acid, and oleic acid. Vitamin E is the primary antioxidant helping to prevent cell oxidation and keeping oils in the skin naturally balanced, while decreasing skin inflammation. Linoleic acid promotes healthy skin cell turnover, preventing clogged hair follicles and excess dead skin cells.

If you have dry skin, argan oil helps by producing more natural oils that won’t clog your pores, while on the flip side, oleic acid in argan oil can help keep excess sebum at bay in oily skin types.

  • Wash the affected area with a gentle natural cleanser. (Avoid products with cleansing beads that can exacerbate acne.)
  • Pat dry until skin is damp. (Excessive rubbing can irritate acne, stripping away natural oils.)
  • Apply one to two drops of argan oil (use in lieu of conventional moisturizer), massaging into the affected area, with moderate pressure, massage the areas that exhibit wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Keep the argan oil on face and other treatment areas for a couple of minutes for the skin to absorb it and follow up with your usual skin care routine.
  • Repeat this process twice daily.

The anti-oxidants and vitamin E in the argan oil will protect the skin against free radicals, resulting in fresher, clearer skin as well as improving elasticity and cell strength of facial skin. Since argan oil regulates the production of sebum, which causes acne, it reduces further breakouts. The vitamin E present in the oil contains anti-oxidants that help remove damaged cells and help new ones grow, therefore fading acne scars.

Culinary Argan Oil - Argan food oil is used for dipping bread, on couscous and salads. Results showed that—as with olive oil and some other vegetable oils—regular intake of argan oil instead of butter reduced harmful cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. The oil contains 80% unsaturated fatty acids and is more resistant to oxidation than olive oil.

A dip for bread known as amlou is made from argan oil, almonds and peanuts, sometimes sweetened by honey or sugar. Amlou, a thick brown paste with a consistency similar to peanut butter, is produced by grinding roasted almond and argan oil using stones, mixed with honey and is used locally as a bread dip.

Various claims about the beneficial effects on health due to the consumption of argan oil have been made. Researchers have concluded that daily consumption of argan oil is "highly likely" to be one factor that helps prevent various cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and obesity.

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Friday, 29 May 2015

Natural Insect Repellents

Over the past few decades, as our lives became busier, we saw a need for easy, faster, better—convenience!

Many corporations have diligently answered the call by providing us with an overwhelming variety of items, all available at our finger tips. We have an ever-ending array of items to choose from—a selection of colors and sizes, scented, non-scented, for adults, for children, and for our pets. You name it, it's available! This was deemed as progress!

However, most of us know by now, that this luxury of convenience came with a price—and I'm not referring to the financial aspect of 'price.' Products we purchase today are laden with mechanically and chemically processed and artificial ingredients.

We have been bombarded with scented products which many people are allergic to, causing irritations to eyes, nose and throat. These artificially scented products are formulated with chemicals that, in time, are toxic to the body. The chemical concoctions used to 'recreate' a scent are actually petrochemicals (derived from natural gas and petroleum), and frankly don't do justice to the 'true' scent.

If you're anything like me, you are no longer willing to tolerate drenching your body with poisons and filling your home with toxins.

So how do we go about getting the same results achieved from the toxic products we once purchased so readily available on the market? By turning back the hands of time to pre 'age of convenience' and making them at home. Natural ingredients, which are quite easily attainable and most likely already available in your home, are highly effective.

While I look forward to the spring season, I am not so fond of the bugs that come along with it. Even though insects have a role to play in the food chain, we don't want them making a meal of us and our children, or taking up residence in our homes and gardens, or camping out on our pets.

So how do we keep these critters at bay?

The following suggestions for natural insect repellents are quick and easy to make. You will want to pick up a few of the plastic spray bottles and label them according to each use.

(To purchase any of the products at available at Amazon, click on the red product link, or you can visit the Essential Oils Shop to search for more products.)

Ants: While some of these ingredients will deter the ants from coming into your home (for mildly problematic situations), others will kill the whole colony. There are various ant species, where some will prefer a sugar substance, while others will prefer protein based ingredients. You may have to try one or two of the following methods to determine which works best, unless you already know which type you are dealing with.

Vinegar - Placing vinegar around the floor boards, or doorways will deter ants. You can also pour vinegar directly down into the ant nest. Vinegar mixed with water, also makes a good cleaning solution for washing floors and other surfaces in the home.

Lemon - Spray pure lemon juice or mix 15-20 drops of lemon essential oil with water around the openings - the acid skews their sense of tracking.

Baking Soda - Ants defend themselves by injecting or spraying a chemical, such as formic acid. Mix baking soda with a bit of powdered sugar and place where accessible to the ants or colony. Upon digestion, the baking soda will cause a chemical reaction with their acidic component.

Cinnamon - Sprinkle ground cinnamon around the openings, or a few drops of cinnamon essential oil with water and spray the openings.

Diatomaceous Earth - Using food-grade, not swimming pool diatomaceous earth (DE) works well. Sprinkle around the perimeter of your home and can also safely be sprinkled inside where you see the ants. Do not wet the DE or it will not work. This should resolve the problem within a week or so.

Chalk - Ants will not cross a line of chalk. Either draw a line or sprinkle ground chalk around the areas where they are entering.

Cornmeal - The ants are unable to digest cornmeal properly and will eventually die off.

Cream of Wheat - Sprinkle cream of wheat around the ant infestation. When they eat it, it expands and they will explode.

Boiling Water - Pouring a kettle of boiling water on the mound (should be repeated daily until ants disappear) will also solve the problem.

Borax - Even though borax is a natural product, it should be handled with care and kept out of reach of pets and small children. Mix borax with sugar (50/50) and enough water to make a paste. Set on a plastic or a piece of cardboard and place near the ant nest. You can use a small plastic container to make an ant trap such as shown to the right. The ants will take this back to the queen, eventually killing the whole colony. If you find the ants aren't taking to this, you can add a bit of peanut butter to the mix for the ants that prefer protein. This will also take about a week or more.

Black Flies: There are over 1,800 known species of black flies, sometimes called a buffalo gnat, turkey gnat, or white socks, and in New Zealand, called 'sandflies'. They are usually small, black or gray, with short legs, and antennae. They are a common nuisance and spread several diseases. They feed during the day when wind speeds are low. Males feed mainly on nectar, while female black flies gain nourishment by feeding on the blood of animals, and us humans. Eggs are laid in running water with the larvae attaching themselves to rocks.

Black fly populations swell from late April to July, becoming a nuisance to anyone engaging in common outdoor activities, such as gardening, boating, camping, and backpacking. While black flies will frequently land on arms and legs, most bites are often found on the head, neck, and back.

Protect your skin by wearing long sleeves and pants at all times when outdoors, and also wearing a hat with attached netting, specially designed to protect the head and neck from black flies, as they have a particularly annoying habit of swarming the face due to their attraction of the carbon dioxide we exhale. Black flies are attracted to dark colors, so it’s also a good idea to wear light-colored clothing, such as khaki, tan, or white.

Pine Branches - Break open a young branch and rub the moisture from the branch on your skin.

Vanilla extract - In a small spray bottle (8 oz), mix 1 part pure vanilla extract to 1 part water. May need to re-apply after about 1/2 hour, due to evaporation. (Using a vanilla extract that contains sugar, will not work and will actually attract black flies … so make sure it's pure extract.)

Lavender - Add a few drops of lavender essential oil in water or a carrier oil and spray or apply directly to skin using cotton balls.

Citronella or Lemongrass - Add 1 part lemon essential oil or lemongrass essential oil to 20 parts carrier oil (olive oil) and spray or apply directly to skin, will ward off black flies and mosquitos.

Cedar - Mix 1 tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel with two tablespoons of olive oil, and add 20 drops of cedar essential oil. Mix it thoroughly and put in a spray bottle (8 oz). Mixture can be applied to your skin or clothes.

Garlic - A natural sulfur compound is found in garlic, which repels mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and black flies. Taking garlic tablets or consuming garlic will cause your skin to secrete a natural repellent, which is toxic to black flies. Insects tend not to land, but if they do, the taste of sulphur will have them fly away and discourage them from returning for seconds. (Note: Do not feed garlic to dogs or cats, as it causes damage to red blood cells in animals.)

Centipedes: Centipedes can be found in a wide variety of environments, requiring a moist micro-habitat because they lack the waxy cuticle of insects and arachnids, and so lose water rapidly through the skin. They are found in soil and leaf litter, under stones and dead wood, and inside logs.

There are estimated to be 8,000 species worldwide. They are arthropods which are elongated creatures having one pair of legs per body segment, normally having a drab coloration of shades of brown and red. Despite the name, centipedes can have a varying number of legs from under 20 to over 300. Therefore, there is no centipede with exactly 100 legs. A key trait of this creature is a pair of venom claws formed from a modified first appendage. Centipedes are predominantly carnivorous. Size can range from a few millimetres to about 30 cm (12 in).

The bite of some species of centipede can be hazardous to humans. Although a bite to an adult human is usually very painful and may cause severe swelling, chills, fever, and weakness, it is unlikely to be fatal. Bites can be dangerous to small children and those with allergies to bee stings. Smaller centipedes usually do not puncture human skin, while the bite of larger centipedes can induce anaphylactic shock.

Centipedes are considered frightening due to their dozens of legs moving at the same time and their tendency to dart swiftly out of the darkness towards one's feet. A 19th-century Tibetan poet warned his fellow Buddhists that "if you enjoy frightening others, you will be reborn as a centipede."

Diatomaceous Earth - Using food-grade diatomaceous earth;(DE) sprinkled around the perimeter of your home or can also safely sprinkled inside where you see the centipedes. Do not wet the DE or it will not work.

Mint - A deterrent for nearly every type of bug, including centipedes. Planting mint is another way to deter centipedes from invading your garden, great for deterring spiders and rodents as well. You can also make a spray by mixing a few drops of peppermint essential oil with water, to use in garden and household.

Vanilla - Due to their sensitive antennae and exceptional smell, using pure vanilla extract, or tea tree essential oil, by dabbing a small amount around window sills and door sills to create a barrier that will keep centipedes away for a couple of months. You can also make a spray by adding 25 drops of the vanilla or essential oil to distilled or boiled water. Spray the areas on a weekly basis where they enter.

Earwigs: Fairly abundant with about 2,000 species, one of the smaller insect orders, earwigs are found throughout the Americas, Africa, Eurasia, Australia and New Zealand. Earwigs have a characteristic pair of forceps pincers on their abdomen, and membranous wings folded underneath short forewings, though rarely use their flying ability. Some groups are tiny parasites on mammals and lack the typical pincers.

Earwigs are mostly nocturnal and often hide in small, moist crevices during the day, and are active at night, feeding on a wide variety of insects and plants, damaging foliage, flowers, and various crops.

There is no evidence that they transmit diseases to humans or other animals. Their pincers are commonly believed to be dangerous, but in reality, even the curved pincers of males cause little or no harm to humans. It is a common myth that earwigs crawl into the human ear and lay eggs in the brain. Finding earwigs in the human ear is rare, as most species do not fly and prefer dark and damp areas such as basements, rather than bedrooms.

It would take a large population to do considerable damage, though there is a debate whether earwigs are either harmful or beneficial to crops, as they eat both the insects eating the foliage (such as aphids) and the foliage itself. The common earwig eats a wide variety of plants, and also a wide variety of foliage including the leaves and petals. They have been known to cause economic losses in fruit and vegetable crops. Some examples are the flowers, hops, and corn crops, and in have been observed feeding on peaches and apricots.

Discourage and reduce entry by caulking and repairing cracks and crevices and checking door thresholds, windows and screens for a tight fit. Remove any leaf litter, large stones, dead wood, wood piles, and mulches, as earwigs like moist dark places to hide in during the day, thus eliminating their desired habitat.

Beer - Place stale beer in small jars and set on their sides for earwigs to crawl in, as they are attracted to beer.

Damp Newspaper - Earwigs will come out at night to feed, preferring to stay hidden in cool dark places during the day. Provide a damp place to crawl into such as rolled up newspaper that has been soaked and placed in the garden, or fill a flowerpot with damp crumpled paper; turn it upside down and prop up with a stick.

Oatmeal or Bran - Placing damp crumpled newspaper in cardboard boxes, baited with oatmeal or bran, with finger-size holes as entry sites punched in the sides near the bottom.

*Place traps near damaged plants or mulch area and dump the contents into a bucket of soapy water in the morning.

Fish Oil - Fill food cans with 1/4 inch of fish oil and sink them into the ground near plants. Empty them daily.

Diatomaceous Earth - Sprinkle a 2-inch-wide circle of diatomaceous earth around beds or the base of plants; reapplying after a rain.

Mosquitos: Few of the species are harmless and even useful to humanity. The females of most species, with tube-like mouthparts, pierce the skin to suck the blood. Thousands of species feed on the blood of various kinds of hosts, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and even some kinds of fish. The loss of blood is seldom of any importance to the victim, however the saliva of the mosquito often causes an irritating rash that is a serious nuisance. More serious though, are the roles of many species of mosquitoes as vectors of diseases. In passing from host to host, some transmit extremely harmful infections such as malaria, yellow fever, and west nile virus.

In most species, adult females lay their eggs in stagnant water; while some lay eggs near the water's edge; and others attach their eggs to aquatic plants. Each species selects the situation of the water into which it lays its eggs and does so according to its own ecological adaptations. Some breed in lakes and some in temporary puddles. Some breed in marshes, some in salt-marshes. Among those that breed in salt water, some are equally at home in fresh, whereas others must acclimatize themselves to the salt. These differences are important because certain preferences keep mosquitoes away from most humans, while other preferences bring them right into houses at night.

Mosquitoes are also attracted to dark colors, so it’s also a good idea to wear light-colored clothing, such as khaki, tan, or white. A mosquito chemical, visual, and heat sensors to locate their prey. In many species the mouthparts of the females are adapted for piercing the skin and sucking the blood. In many species, the female needs to obtain nutrients from a blood meal before she can produce eggs, whereas in many other species, she can produce more eggs after a blood meal. The feeding preferences of mosquitoes include those with type O blood, heavy breathers, those with a lot of skin bacteria, people with a lot of body heat, and pregnant women.

Garlic - A natural sulfur compound is found in garlic, which repels mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and black flies. Taking garlic tablets or consuming garlic will cause your skin to secrete a natural repellent, which is toxic to black flies. Insects tend not to land, but if they do, the taste of sulphur will have them fly away and discourage them from returning for seconds. (Note: Do not feed garlic to dogs or cats, as it causes damage to red blood cells in animals.)

Citronella - May also substitute citronella essential oil with clove, tea tree, cedar, or mint essential oil. Fill a spray bottle (8 oz) to 1/2 full with distilled or boiled water, add witch hazel to fill. Add 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil, and 30-40 drops of desired essential oil. The more oils you use, the stronger the spray will be.

Lavender - Mix 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel with two tablespoons of olive oil, and add 20 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix it thoroughly and put in a spray bottle (8 oz). Mixture can be applied to your skin or clothes. You can use thyme or lemon essential oil instead of lavender for a different aroma—same effect.

Rosemary and Lemongrass - Mix two tablespoons of olive oil, and add 20 drops of lemongrass essential oil and a few drops of rosemary. Mix it thoroughly and put in a spray bottle (8 oz). Mixture can be applied to your skin or clothes. You can use eucalyptus essential oil instead of rosemary for a different scent.

Spiders: An arthropod that has eight legs and mouthparts with fangs that inject venom. They are the largest order of arachnids and rank seventh in total species diversity among all other orders of organisms. Spiders are found worldwide on every continent except for Antarctica, and have become established in nearly every habitat with the exception of air and sea. As of 2008, at least 43,678 spider species have been recorded.

• Cinnamon - Add up to 5 drops of cinnamon essential oil and up to 5 drops of organic dish detergent or 5 drops of olive oil to 1 litre (1 quart) of water.

Citrus - Mixing a few drops of sugar free lemon, orange, or lime juice to water and use as a spray, or you can use citronella essential oils mixed in water, as well. Spray areas in your garden or household to keep spiders away. You can also placing the peel of citrus fruits in your garden as well.

Mint - Planting mint in your garden is another deterrent for spiders as well as rodents. You can also make a spray by mixing a few drops of peppermint essential oil with water, to use in garden and household.

Diatomaceous Earth - Using food-grade, not swimming pool diatomaceous earth (DE) works well. Sprinkle around the perimeter of your home and can also safely be sprinkled inside. Do not wet the DE or it will not work. This should resolve the problem within a week or so.

Garlic - Add two or three cloves of garlic or garlic tablets in a spray bottle, spray where needed.

Soothing the Itch: If you do get attacked by mosquitoes or black flies, you can soothe the itch by washing the affected area with soap and warm water. Avoid scratching the bites as much as possible (scratching can break the skin, increasing risk of infection). Apply aloe vera gel and witch hazel.

What is Diatomaceous Earth? - Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is an off-white talc-like powder that is the fossilized remains of marine phytoplankton. It is not harmful to mammals, but when sprinkled on a bug that has an exoskeleton, it compromises their waxy coating, due to its abrasive properties. The fine powder absorbs lipids from the waxy outer layer of insects' exoskeletons, causing them to dehydrate. Arthropods die as a result of the water deficiency. It is commonly used in gardening to defeat slugs, however, since slugs inhabit humid environments, the effect is very low. It is commonly used in lieu of boric acid, and can be used to help control and possibly eliminate bed bug, house dust mite, cockroach, ant and flea infestations. It is edible and is, in fact, stored with grains to keep the bugs from eating the grain.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Shared Grace - Could You Help Me Thrive?

Susan Ure Reid is called an 'angel' through what she does for the cats. The truth is that all of these animals need and appreciate the ‘angeldom’ of friends who support her ~ Although she does the 'hands on' tending single hearted ~ it is the friends who are placed to help that makes the deep essential difference. She has exhausted all of her savings just as their needs continue to increase.

With weekly costs of £100 ~ with a few additional 'spay' costs and veterinary care in emergencies ~ this help is needed all the more. To Susan’s great relief, all the fertile females have been spayed, arresting the burgeoning ‘kittendom’ bar two as yet to be coaxed gently into a carrier and delivered to the vet for spaying. She has reduced a potential of 28 kittens this spring to 4 ~ which feels like a great achievement.

Susan needs to raise the funds, for the last two females (260 euros) plus the spay costs of 5 males to arrest the ‘catdom’ conflicts which consign them to a harried life in exile. At this point the colony becomes contained. To achieve this now would be the greatest blessing not just for them but for her too.

Susan also has urgent invoices that need to be paid in order for her to continue her work tending to 31 cats on a daily basis - no small affair.

How can Susan help YOU? ~ She proofreads, edits and copy writes, often on a free basis or in exchange. She also tutors students challenged by their degree dissertations and readily and promptly counsels by request on the same basis as she has done for many years.

If Susan can do something for you, please feel free to email her at her paypal address:

If you are inspired to support the work Susan does with animals (now in its fifth year) your contributions are hugely welcome.

If you feel to contribute to Susan’s efforts and share this information along with her paypal address of, which will be happily received towards helping them ~ others may hear of and support this small pod of devoted animal care. Thank you so much for sharing this ~ it makes a difference.

All our love and many thanks… 

Susan Ure Reid

Monday, 25 May 2015

A Tribute to Fathers

What Makes A Dad
by Anonymous

A Father’s love is patient and kind …
God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,

The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,

The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,

Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it ... Dad

Happy Father's Day

Feed Shark