Tuesday 20 October 2015

A Brand New Day

Today is a brand new day.
A fresh start.
Replace any negativity with positivity.
Think happy thoughts.
Exercise. Drink lots of water.
Fill your body with fuel.
Healthy is happy.

Inspire yourself.
Create. Laugh. Play. Love. Learn.
Give someone a compliment.
Make a new friend.
Do a random act of kindness.
It creates good karma.
Take chances and finally start living life to its fullest.
But no matter what’s thrown at you today,
smile and remember,
tomorrow’s always a fresh new start.


Saturday 17 October 2015

The Universe Speaks To Us

When feathers appear, angels are near ...

"It is quite possible to listen to God's Voice all through the day without interrupting your regular activities in any way. The part of your mind in which truth abides is in constant communication with God, whether you are aware of it or not. It is the other part of your mind that functions in the world and obeys the world's laws. It is this part that is constantly distracted, disorganized and highly uncertain.

The part that is listening to the Voice for God is calm, always at rest and wholly certain. It is really the only part there is. The other part is a wild illusion, frantic and distraught, but without reality of any kind." L-49

One must always be able to distinguish between the symbol and its meaning; therefore understanding metaphoric language (sign and symbol), just as a student of poetry must understand how and why words are used, without taking them literally.

"Remember, then, that neither sign nor symbol should be confused with source, for they must stand for something other than themselves. Their meaning cannot lie in them, but must be sought in what they represent." (T-19.IV)

The universe is always speaking to us … sending little messages, causing coincidences and serendipities, reminding us to stop, to look around, to believe in something else—something more. Life's signposts are all around us. We just need to keep our senses awakened to them.

"Then the eyes of those who see will no longer be closed, and the ears of those who hear will listen. The fearful heart will know and understand, and the stammering tongue will be fluent and clear.” — Isaiah 32:1-4

The key is to be present and aware so you can tune into, experience, and act upon the signs you receive.

Number Sequences - If you are seeing repeating numbers on the clock, in phone numbers, or in addresses in coincidental ways that are too eerie to ignore, the universe is most likely sending you a very important message. Realize that seeing these numbers repeated is no coincidence. Often these are messages from Spirit. Sequences of the exact same numbers are bestowed upon you to get your interest, so as to better deliver you a message.

Their meanings could be slightly different for each individual—there is no definitive guide. It really comes down to an individual perspective and what you believe it to mean in your life.

Voices - When you hear a whispered voice which seems to appear out of thin air, or a message in your mind, you may be experiencing communication from your angels or guides. Don’t assume you’re making it up! If you can’t really hear what is being said, ask for the message to be repeated and to speak a bit louder so you can understand. Hearing the guidance is a beautiful sign of their presence, and is common when you are in need of comfort or reassurance. The key is to be present and aware. These signs contain infinite possibilities for growth and transformation.

Clouds - An obvious sign is a cloud which looks like an angel, or the shape or a heart, as well as many other shapes and symbols to offer. Your awareness will be drawn to look up towards the sky.

Feathers - One of the more commonly known angel signs is finding feathers on your path, or floating through the air. Feathers (particularly white) are a beautiful reminder that angels are near, giving you love and support. An especially powerful sign is when you find feathers in a place that is somewhat abnormal.

Feelings - You may be alone in a room and get the impression that someone is present in the room with you, or you feel like someone has just walked past you. You may feel a very subtle brush against your arm or neck, or a gentle touch on your hand, back or shoulder. Sometimes you will feel an overwhelming sense of unconditional love.

Temperature - Experiencing a change in temperature may signify an angelic presence. You may suddenly feel a warm glowing light around you; or you may get the chills, and feel cold, with a tingling or pressure in your head or on the back of your neck, which is not uncomfortable (also referred to as Spirit Chills).

Scents - You may have noticed a sweet scent, a rich and chocolatey smell, or a subtle floral scent and been unable to identify the source. Angels often love to make their presence known through the power of scent. It is also a sign commonly used from loved ones who have crossed over as well. You may smell your grandmother’s perfume and sense that her spirit is right there with you.

Babies and Pets - Have you ever noticed a baby looking up and smiling at the ceiling, or excitedly gazing into the air? Perhaps your pets’ focus is entirely captured by a blank spot on the wall, something you seem unable to see. Chances are they are looking right at an angel! Babies and animals have not yet taken on the filters and conditioning which can block the ability to clearly see the angels. They will be at ease, comforted, and excited in the presence of angels.

Rainbows - If you’ve been thinking about your angels, or asked for a sign and you notice a rainbow, it’s likely your angels confirming they are with you. Rainbows are a common symbol of Divine love. A rainbow orb around the moon, a double rainbow, or a rainbow appearing when it hasn’t even been raining, are extra spectacular signs from your angels bringing encouragement and validation.

Sparkles of Light - Seeing orbs, unexplained shimmers of light, or flashes of color, are all common ways of experiencing your angels. You may see a flash of light appearing where there is no actual light source, or light shimmering off an object in an unusual way, or an orb of light hovering near. It’s very likely an angel is with you.

Music - Angels are often sending messages through music, whether it is through a song which just starts playing in your mind, hearing peaceful tranquil music when meditating, or continuing to hear a certain song on the radio ... or hearing a series of songs, all with a similar theme. Pay attention to this guidance.

Coins - Finding coins is a common sign of guidance and support from the realms of spirit … pay attention! Does the date on the coin hold any significance? Have you asked for financial help? What were you thinking about right before you noticed the coin? This very well may be a sign from your angels, or from a loved one. Know that it was deliberately placed on your path as a symbol illustrating you are loved, supported and guided.

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Thursday 15 October 2015

Stealing Cookies

Author Unknown

A young lady was waiting for her flight in a boarding room of a big airport. As she would need to wait many hours, she decided to buy a book to spend her time. She also bought a pack of cookies. She sat down in an armchair, in the VIP room of the airport, to rest and read in peace.

Beside the armchair where the packet of cookies lay, a man sat down in the next seat, opened his magazine and started reading. When she took out the first cookie, the man took one also. She felt irritated but said nothing. She just thought, "What the nerve! If I was in the mood, I would punch him for daring!"

For each cookie she took, the man took one too. This was infuriating her but she didn't want to cause a scene. When only one cookie remained, she thought: "Ah ... what will this abusive man do now?"

Then, the man taking the last cookie, divided it into half, giving her one half.

"Ah! That's too much!" she thought. She was too angry now! In a huff, she took her book, her things and stormed to the boarding place. When she sat down in her seat inside the plane, she looked into her purse to get her eyeglasses, and to her surprise, her packet of cookies was there, untouched ... unopened.

She felt so ashamed! She realized that she was wrong ... she had forgotten that her cookies were kept in her purse. The man had divided his cookies with her, without feeling angered or bitter, while she had been very angry, thinking that she was dividing her cookies with him.

And now, there was no chance to explain or apologize.


Beautiful Mind

She had this way about her. She walked like it did not matter,
like it did not hurt. She sealed the scars up inside like vintage
wrapping paper, and when she smiled, she smiled from the
core of the world, like the happiest being on earth. She moved
with the same grace, as though she were taking the world for a
walk. Only she knew that the world would not ever really walk,
and she had to carry it atop her shoulders. And there she was,
beaming, a picture perfect of sun trails and piano keys; world
on her shoulders, not once saying "I can't" ….


Tuesday 13 October 2015

They Called Her An Ugly Duckling

She wore frumpy clothes. Her teeth needed straightening. She was very insecure, she believed what everyone said about her, admitting she was an "ugly duckling." She believed, however, that one's prospects in life were not totally dependent on physical beauty.

When she finally met a man who was interested in her, she decided not to take him to a fancy, social event, but instead took him to the slums of the Lower East Side, where she did volunteer work, helping young immigrants.

The young man, who had held a rich, sheltered life, saw things he would never forget -- sweat shops where women labored long hours for low wages and squalid tenements where children worked for hours until they dropped with exhaustion.

This walking tour profoundly changed the young man, moving him to say, that he "could not believe human beings lived that way."

The young man's name was Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the young woman, who changed his life forever, who would change the world forever, her name was Eleanor Roosevelt.

They would eventually marry, and Eleanor Roosevelt would become more than just a First Lady. She was nominated three times, during her lifetime, for a Nobel Peace Prize. She was a renowned social and political activist, journalist, educator, and diplomat. Throughout her time as First Lady, and for the remainder of her life, she was a high profile supporter of the Civil Rights Movement, of equal rights for women, and of social reforms to uplift the poor. She helped the Tuskegee Airmen in their successful effort to become the first black combat pilots.

Even after her husband's passing, she remained active in politics for the rest of her life, chairing President Kennedy's ground-breaking committee which helped start second-wave feminism, the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women.

They called her an ugly duckling when she was growing up, but to the world, she was a beautiful swan whose beauty inside helped her speak the truth, making the world a little better for all.

~ Eleanor Roosevelt, born on this day, October 11, 1884

All Hallows' Day (Halloween)

Halloween or Hallowe'en; (a contraction of "All Hallows' Evening"), also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, is a yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day.

It initiates the three-day observance of Allhallowtide, the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed believers. The traditional focus of All Hallows' Eve revolves around the theme of using "humor and ridicule to confront the power of death."


Monday 12 October 2015

Have No Regrets

Eat the damn chocolate cake, get your hair wet,
love someone, dance in those muddy puddles,
tell someone off, draw a picture with crayons
like you’re still 6 years old and then give it to
someone who is very important to you.

Take a nap, go on vacation, do a cartwheel,
make your own recipe, dance like no one sees
you, paint each nail a different color, take a
bubble bath, laugh at a corny joke.

Get on that table and dance,
pick strawberries, take a jog, plant a garden,
make an ugly shirt and wear it all day,
learn a new language, write a song.

Date someone you wouldn’t usually go for,
make a scrap book, go on a picnic, relax in the sun,
make your own home video, kiss the un-kissed,
hug the un-hugged, love the unloved,
and live your life to the fullest.

So at the end of the day, you’ll have no regrets,
no sorrows, and no disappointments.

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